Villino Chiassi
Resurfacing the facade of Villino Chiassi
2020 – 2020
Dr. Giovanni Adorni Braccesi Chiassi
€ 504,172.39
Rome, Italy
The intervention concerns the facade renovation of the private property named VIllino Chiassi. The main issues involved the state of deterioration of the plaster, stucco, and moldings on the exterior surfaces. The sliding shutters inside the wall space, were also found to be deteriorated.
The façade makeover, put in place by Edilerica through careful restoration work, focused on eliminating crumbling plaster and consolidating both the remaining plaster and repairing the lesions throughout the façade.
Plastering was then resumed, a lime-based filler was applied and subsequent coats of color and glazes were applied to make the whole look similar to the original. Stuccoes and moldings were cleaned, consolidated, and repurposed with faux travertine decoration. The shutters, once the internal mechanism was overhauled, were stripped, plastered, and repainted in a color similar to the original.
The roofs also underwent an overhaul, through waterproofing and subsequent insulation.

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